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Teledyne LeCroy CP500

500 A AC/DC Current Probe
The CP500 is an AC and DC coupled 500 Amp current probe with DC to 2 MHz frequency response. This probe plugs directly onto the LeCroy oscilloscope requiring no external power amplifiers. The probe becomes fully integrated with the oscilloscope including probe DeGauss, Autozero, automatic setup of scale factor sensitivity, and measurement units in amperes. Based on a combination of Hall effect and transformer technology, the CP500 current probe is ideal for making accurate AC, DC, and impulse current measurements. Current levels of 500 amps (rms) continuous are captured. Multiple probes can be used with LeCroy oscilloscopes providing single or three phase measurements up to 1000 amps combined in-phase current levels. Small Form Factor.
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  • Carrycase Soft

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  • Manual Operator

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