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Tektronix DSA70404B

4 Ch 4 GHz Oscope

Verify, debug, characterize, and certify sophisticated electronic designs with the Tektronix DSA70404B four-channel digital signal analyzer. Perform efficient debugging and compliance testing of serial data streams. The DSA70404B has a wide range of applications, such as:

  • Memory bus analysis
  • Switching power supply verification
  • Investigation of transient phenomena
  • Spectral analysis of transient or wide-bandwidth RF signals
  • Signal integrity, jitter, and timing analysis

Tektronix DSA70404B Features and Specifications:

  • All four channels can be used simultaneously
  • 4GHz bandwidth models
  • Up to 50GS/s real-time sample rate
  • Up to 250 megasample record length with multiView zoom feature for quick navigation
  • Fastest waveform capture rate with >300,000 wfms/s maximum per channel
  • 5Gbps real-time serial trigger
  • P7500 TriMode probing system for matched signal connectivity from 4GHz to 20GHz

The Tektronix DSA70404B four-channel, 4GHz digital signal analyzer is available for rent or lease at TRS-RenTelco. Request a quote today, and receive 24/7 expert assistance.

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  • DSA

    Dpo Opts 2xl, Asm, Ja3, Mth, Pth

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Power Cord Notched

    Qty: 1
  • Adapter TCA-BNC

    Qty: 1
  • Keyboard MINI

    Qty: 1
  • Accessory Pouch

    Qty: 1
  • Cover Front

    Qty: 1
  • Adapter TCA-292MM

    Qty: 4
  • Case Pelican Transit

    Qty: 1
  • Mouse Optical

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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