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Rohde & Schwarz NRP50T

50 GHz Thermal power sensor (-35 dBm to +20 dBm)

Perform complex measurement tasks efficiently and accurately with the Rohde & Schwarz NRP50T thermal power sensor.

The R&S NRP50T thermal power sensor offers high accuracy and tolerates any type of modulation. It is a self-contained, fully characterized device that can be operated with NRP2 base unit with a laptop PC via USB or with other Rohde & Schwarz instruments, such as signal generators, signal analyzers, spectrum analyzers, and network analyzers.

Rohde & Schwarz NRP50T Features and Specifications:

  • Frequency range: DC to 50GHz
  • Level range: -35dBm to 20dB
  • Connector type: 2.4mm (m)
  • Power range: 300 nW to 100 mW (-35dBm to 20dBm)
  • Maximum average power: 300 mW
  • Peak envelope power: 10W (1 us)
  • Zero offset: 15 nW typical
  • Noise: 15 nW typical
  • Power measurement uncertainty at 20degree C to 25degrees C: 0.040dB to 0.143dB (absolute), 0.010dB (relative)
  • Measurement time: 40ms

The Rohde & Schwarz NRP50T thermal power sensor is available for rent or lease at TRS-RenTelco with 24/7 support. To learn more or to get a quote, call us at 800.874.7123.

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Base Model
Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cable USB Power Sensor 1.5 m

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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