Step Attenuator
High output power
Frequency range from 100kHz to 40GHz
AM, FM, phase modulation
Pulse modulation
Adds LXI class B functionality
Adapter 2.4mm(f) - 2.4mm(f)
Qty: 1Cord Power
Qty: 1Adapter 2.92 mm(f) - 2.4 mm(f)
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security
Step Attenuator
High output power
Frequency range from 100kHz to 40GHz
Adapter 2.4mm(f) - 2.4mm(f)
Qty: 1Cord Power
Qty: 1Adapter 2.92 mm(f) - 2.4 mm(f)
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Step Attenuator
High output power
Frequency range from 100kHz to 40GHz
Adds LXI class B functionality
AM, FM, phase modulation
Pulse modulation
Adapter 2.4mm(f) - 2.4mm(f)
Qty: 1Cord Power
Qty: 1Adapter 2.92 mm(f) - 2.4 mm(f)
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security
Step Attenuator
High output power
Flexible reference input (1-50MHz)
Pulse train generator, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range from 100kHz to 40GHz
Adds LXI class B functionality
AM, FM, phase modulation
Narrow pulse modulation
Adapter 2.4mm(f) - 2.4mm(f)
Qty: 1Cord Power
Qty: 1Adapter 2.92 mm(f) - 2.4 mm(f)
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Keysight Technologies N5183A-540 User Guide
Keysight Technologies N5183A-540 Spec Sheet