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Keysight Technologies N5181B-503

9 kHz - 3 GHz MXG Analog Signal Generator, Type N (f)

The Keysight, formerly Agilent N5181B-503 is a 3 GHz MXG Analog Signal Generator. You can drive power amplifiers and characterize nonlinear behavior with the N5181B-503. Other functions include the ability to test receiver performance by simulating complex analog modulation scenarios with its multi-function generator. Keysight N5181B-503 - Specifications

Output Power @1 GHz: -144 dBm to 26 dBm 

Phase Noise @1 GHz (20 kHz offset): -146 dBc/Hz 

Harmonics @1 GHz: <-35 dBc 

IQ Modulation BW Internal/External: n/a 

Non-Harmonics @1 GHz: -96 dBc 

Sweep Mode

  • List
  • Step 

Baseband Generator Mode: n/a 

Software-General Purpose:

  • AM, FM, PM
  • Pulse
  • Pulse Train Generator 

Software-Cellular/Wireless Connectivity: n/a 

Software-Audio/Video Broadcasting: n/a 

Software-Detection/Positioning/Tracking/Navigation: n/a 

Waveform Playback Memory: n/a 

Frequency Modulation-Maximum Deviation @1 GHz: 4 MHz 

Frequency Modulation-Rate @100 kHz Deviation: DC to 7 MHz 

Phase Modulation-Maximum Deviation in Normal Mode: 0.5 rad to 8 rad 

Phase Modulation-Maximum Deviation in High-BW Mode: 0.05 rad to 0.8 rad 

Amplitude Modulation-Maximum Depth: 100% 

Amplitude Modulation-Rate: 0 to 50 kHz

Applications Available: Yes 

Analog: Yes

Frequency Switching = 800 ?s

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  • Configurations
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--, 099, 503
See Configuration Details
  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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--, 099, 1EA, 1EQ, 503
See Configuration Details
  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 1EQ

    Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)

  • 1EA

    High output power

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 1EA, 503, UNW
See Configuration Details
  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 1EA

    High output power

  • UNW

    Narrow pulse modulation

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 1EA, 503, UNW
See Configuration Details
  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 1EA

    High output power

  • UNW

    Narrow pulse modulation

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 006, 099, 503, UNX
See Configuration Details
  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • UNX

    Low phase noise

  • 006

    Instrument security and removable memory card

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 503, UNT
See Configuration Details
  • UNT

    AM, FM, phase modulation

  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 006, 099, 503, UNX
See Configuration Details
  • 006

    Instrument security and removable memory card

  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • UNX

    Low phase noise

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

Check out first to get details on the cost.

*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 1EA, 503, UNY
See Configuration Details
  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 1EA

    High output power

  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • UNY

    Enhanced low phase noise

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

Check out first to get details on the cost.

*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 1EA, 303, 503
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 320, 503, UNW, UNX
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 1EA, 320, 503, UNW, UNX
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 503
Rent or Lease

Check out first to get details on the cost.

*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 1EA, 503
Rent or Lease

Check out first to get details on the cost.

*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 503, UNW
Rent or Lease

Check out first to get details on the cost.

*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 099, 1EA, 320, 503, UNT, UNW
See Configuration Details
  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 1EA

    High output power

  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • UNT

    AM, FM, phase modulation

  • UNW

    Narrow pulse modulation

  • 320

    Pulse train generator

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

Check out first to get details on the cost.

*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.
--, 006, 099, 1EA, 503, UNY
See Configuration Details
  • 006

    Instrument security and removable memory card

  • 099

    Expanded license key upgradability

  • 1EA

    High output power

  • 503

    Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3GHz

  • UNY

    Enhanced low phase noise

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
  • USB Software I/O Libraries, v18.4.30319 & v.18.3.229517

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.

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