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Keysight Technologies N3307A

250W Electronic Load Module
The Keysight (formerly Agilent) N3307A is a 250 W electronic load module for use in either the N3300A or N3301A electronic load mainframe in system applications. The N3307A load module is fast and accurate, for programming in constant current, constant voltage, or constant resistance modes, or for making voltage, current or power measurements. The N3307A can also digitize waveforms. A single GPIB address is all you need for complete control and read-back of the N3307A load module within a single N3300A or N3301A mainframe. The N3307A electronic load provides fast operation and the accurate programming and read-back needed for high-volume DC power supply test systems.
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Base Model
Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Connector Terminal Block 14-Pin

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