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Keysight Technologies 778D

100MHz - 2GHz, Coaxial Dual-Directional Coupler
The Keysight (formerly Agilent) 778D is an economical dual-directional coupler designed for swept measurements in the 100 MHz to 2 GHz range. Its high directivity and mean coupling accuracy of ?0.5 dB makes the Keysight (formerly Agilent) 778D ideal for reflectometer applications. The auxiliary arms track very closely, making this coupler particularly useful for reflectometers driven by sweep oscillators.

  • Dual-directional
  • High directivity
  • Excellent mean coupling accuracy
  • Frequency Range: 100 MHz to 2 GHz
  • Nominal Coupling and Variation: 20 /- 1.5 dB
  • Directivity: >36dB to 1 GHz
  • Maximum SWR: 1.1
  • Insertion Loss: <0.60 dB
  • Power Rating Average, Peak: 50 W, 500 W
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Standard Rental Accessories*
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  • Manual Operating and Service

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