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AFL Global - Fujikura FAT-04

Fiber Ribbonizer
The FAT-04 features an easy-to-use fiber arrangement method utilizing linear travel. The FAT-04 includes a spare paste applicator to allow ribbon making to continue even if one of the paste applicators needs cleaning.
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Base Model
Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Sponge Pads 1 Sheet Of 25 Pads

    Qty: 5
  • Pointed Cotton Swabs

    Qty: 4
  • Paste Applicator Block

    Qty: 2
  • Paste Ribbon 4 oz

    Qty: 1
  • Manual Instruction

    Qty: 1
  • Bag Carry

    Qty: 1

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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What is the main function of the FAT-04 Fiber Arrangement Tool?

It's designed for easy fiber arrangement using linear travel to form individual fibers into ribbons.

Does the FAT-04 come with any additional components to aid in ribbon making?

Yes, it includes a spare paste applicator to ensure continuity in ribbon making even if one applicator requires cleaning.

What are the key advantages of using the ribbon forming adhesive with the FAT-04?

The adhesive ensures excellent stripability of the ribbons formed, without gumming up the stripping tool or causing fiber breaks, making debris easy to clean.

Can ribbons formed with the FAT-04 be separated back into individual fibers?

Yes, the ribbons can be easily separated into individual fibers using alcohol if necessary.